Friday, March 20, 2009

More Wins: Pittsburgh Development & Capital Projects

The Pittsburgh region landed a total of 290 corporate investment and development projects last year with the potential for more than 10,000 new jobs.

The Allegheny Conference on Community Development and the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance Wednesday announced the numbers, which were down slightly from 2007, when the region saw 308 development projects.

“The 2008 numbers quantify an impressive level of activity in southwestern Pennsylvania, particularly in a year of severe economic challenges nationwide and underscore Pittsburgh’s resilience,” said Michael Langley, CEO of the organizations, in a statement.

"Almost on a daily basis we hear negative stories from around the country about the economic trouble the country is going through and the world is going through," Michael Langley, the chief executive officer of both the conference and the regional alliance, said at a news conference yesterday. "Today we're not going to let the good news get lost about the Pittsburgh region."

When Site Selection magazine put together its list of top metropolitan areas (populations of more than 1 million people) in terms of major development projects under way, Pittsburgh came in seventh. The city was behind much larger metro areas, such as New York, Houston, Dallas and Chicago. Mr. Langley said if the population were taken into account, spending per capita would have shot Pittsburgh up the list.

Site Selection compiled that list by considering metropolitan areas with projects that cost more than $1 million, created at least 50 new jobs or added more than 20,000 square feet in new floor space. Retail space, government projects, schools and hospitals were excluded from consideration.

Specifically, the conference and the PRA pointed to billion-dollar investments by U.S. Steel and Allegheny Technologies in their local manufacturing operations.

All told, the projects resulted in capital investments of more than $4.2 billion in the region.

NAI Pittsburgh Commercial is a Pittsburgh proud locally owned and operated company. To see some of the investment and development opportunities available in the Pittsburgh region

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